About Camp.

Welcome Letter
Our Philosophy
Our Values
Making EC Work
The Programme

A Word From Our Director.

Kia ora team,

I can’t believe it’s that time again. We are super pumped to be launching EC25 and opening registrations this early. We hope it does that extra bit to make the process even easier for you and your youth.

It’s so good to have groups from Central Easter Camp joining us again this year. A massive welcome back to you. I hope you have a fantastic time as we celebrate Easter together.

I still marvel at what God did last year. It was a first for me. I have never experienced a camp where the Holy Spirit was so peacefully present. During our camp set-up week we could feel it in the auditorium and the tent communities. I’m so thankful for God’s faithfulness.

I can't wait to see what God will do in the hearts and lives of so many young people this year.

It is a great reminder to keep the main thing, Jesus, the main thing. We will do all of the usual things to make camp awesome. There will be an epic village, all things mud, sports, talent quests, main auditorium mayhem, worship and praise, and so much more. While these are exciting and fun, they are not the main thing. To follow Jesus when we are called and to adopt the way of life Jesus offers us.…. now that's exciting.

Can you remember when God called you to follow Him? Can you remember how it felt? How overwhelming and kinda scary? What about when you were called to serve in youth ministry? The sacrifice, the long nights, and, of course, the fun. Hearing God's voice and feeling called to follow can be daunting and exciting all at once. I’m looking forward to hearing fresh stories of the invitation Jesus will give to us at this camp. Expect our young people to be called by Jesus to follow Him and deepen their relationship with Him. Can I encourage you as leaders please prepare to support them in that calling?

This year, we’re believing Easter Camp to be a stake-in-the-ground moment for thousands of youth. That when they hear the Easter story, they will also hear Jesus calling their name. They will know they are called to be free, called to be healed and whole, called to be light, called as sons and daughters, and called to follow Him.

Every story I hear of how God changed someone’s life at Easter Camp is because they heard the call of Jesus and decided to follow Him. So, in 2025, we’re putting out the call again…Jesus is calling, will you follow Him?

I can’t wait to gather together again! See you in April 2025!

Nāku, nā


The Philosophy of Northern Easter Camp.

We were all young once. We can remember wanting to be a part of something bigger than ourselves, something that was fun, adventurous and crazy! For almost 5000 teenagers and young adults, from the Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Auckland and the far North regions, Easter Camp is that place.

Easter Camp is packed full of worship, world-class communicators, live music, sports competitions, seminars, creative arts, talent quests and many other fun and engaging activities. So, why do we do this? Because there are many teenagers in our society who feel misunderstood and confused about many of the issues they face in life.

At camp, we want to create a space where young people can belong to a community, through a local youth community. Together, young people can learn about the issues they face and the challenges they will come across in life. In challenging these young people mentally, physically, spiritually and socially we hope to provide them with tools for life and a hope for the future.

Our Values.

To be a part of camp, it is important that you agree with our values.
This is who we are:
• We value each youth community’s identity. Camp is a place where every young person is known and has a place to belong and where each group contributes to wider camp culture.
• We value making camp financially accessible for youth communities.
• We value fun and creativity.
• We value our Baptist inheritance and inclusive
• kingdom focus.
• When
    & Where
• We value the work and presence of the Holy Spirit in young people’s lives.
• We value Jesus’ message of justice, grace and love for all.
• We value communicating the full gospel of Jesus, giving every young person opportunities to respond.
• We value strengthening and serving youth communities.

Making EC Work.

One of the challenges of Easter Camp is making sure that every group has a great, personalised experience. We really enjoy being all together and we love how large the event is but we know it works best when your young people feel a part of and are enjoying their small, intimate community too.

We run camp with this large, medium and small spectrum in mind:

Large Scale Gatherings.

Medium-Sized Interaction Between Groups.

Small and Intimate Community Groups.

Our main sessions, which happen each morning and night, are our largest gathering where we do everything together and on a big scale - there’s a great atmosphere!

Over the course of camp, we all
 go on a journey together learning the Easter story through speakers, media, story, dance, song and
 live entertainment, including our famous Talent Quest.

• Activities, seminars and workshops.
• The Village and recreation zones are places for all groups to mix and hang.
• Large-scale comps build fun rivalry between youth communities during the main sessions.
• Youth communities enter teams in league and social sports comps.
• Connection with your tenting neighbours.

• Every youth community sets up their own tenting area with a central hang out zone.
• Compulsory small group times are held after main morning sessions for you to dig deeper into the talk or for bible study and prayer. Small group questions will be available at camp to help your leaders to lead good discussions.
• You can create group hangouts, one-on-one discussions with your youth and prayer and ministry times together.
• Groups challenge others in mud-wrestling and sports.

Important Note:

Each day contains elements of large, medium and small – remember that you bring your own unique flavour to Easter Camp. Make the most of your communal youth community area by decking it out with snacks, games, couches and drinks stations.


The Main Sessions.

These are held each morning in the Main Auditorium and contain worship and teaching as well as a whole lot of entertainment and multimedia to  engage all campers. These sessions are designed so that younger campers can grab onto stuff and older campers can go deeper. There’s something for everyone!

Small Group Sessions.

In a large camp it is essential to keep close to your own youth community. We allocate ‘small group’ times after the main sessions for you to meet together and discuss what God is doing in your youth community. These small group times are compulsory and you are responsible for organising the small groups within your own group. Small group discussion questions will be available at camp to make things easier for your leaders.

Fun Activities.

Camp is full of all sorts of goodness and there will be lots of community- centred activities including sports competitions, mud pit, dance workshops, seminars, human foosball and more... come prepared for a good time! And bring a few changes of clothes...

Talent QUEST

The EC Talent Quest is a crowd FAVE - for the performers and the audience. This is a chance for young people to perform and showcase their talent. So if you’re a musician, dancer, comedian or perhaps you have sick crocheting skills - showcase your talent on the outdoor stage in a quest to take out the top spot. All entrants must register online, on our website, prior to camp: easter.camp/talent.


Designed to bring campers into God’s presence and engage all the senses, the reflective art space is a place to sit, be still, reflect and have your imagination captured by the powerful story of Easter. The team work hard to bring to life artistic installations that draw us nearer to the Father. Similarly, we create a sacred space in the Heritage Village chapel where campers can find some quiet to pause for reflection, silence and to light a prayer candle.


You say it’s a camp must-have and we listen. If you’ve never played before, basically it’s a camp-wide game of hide and seek. Probably the biggest in the world (We’re not sure if that’s true, but we’re claiming it!) Get your detective moves out and your mischievous ninja hiding skills sharpened up. Whose going to collect the most tags? Will it be you? Supertag is ON!

Who is Who?

Key Leader
Group Leaders
What’s Expected of Leaders?

We require that every youth community attending Easter Camp is led by a mature adult called the ‘Key Leader’ - there must be one Key Leader for every group, and every group can only have one. This person is ultimately responsible for the whole group and must sleep/stay on-site in the tent area among your youth community.


• Is the person the church considers responsible for the group - leaders, workers and campers - at camp, even if someone else is entering the data for your group registrations, the Key Leader is ultimately responsible.
• Is our main point of contact for all comms prior to camp and has access to the Group Leader Dashboard.
• Ensures that all the right approvals, payments, tickets and admin are organised before camp.
• Must register their group before campers can purchase tickets in their group.
• Ensures that a RAMS form is completed for any activities they will be running at camp including site set-up and pack-down (download here).
• Ensures that police checks are completed for each leader and worker in their care (download here).
• If you need to change your Key Leader or their contact details, please email info@easter.camp ASAP and we will get this updated for you.


In addition to the Key Leader, you are also able to nominate a 2IC (Second in Charge Key Leader) who can step in and act as the Key Leader where necessary. This person needs to have authority to make decisions in and for your group and will also be accountable for your youth community. Appointing a 2IC is entirely optional and at the discretion of the Key Leader.


• Can act as the Key Leader over the duration of camp (i.e. if the Key Leader is dealing with an emergency and/or has to leave site).
• Works alongside and supports the Key Leader in providing leadership to your group over the weekend, thereby sharing responsibility for the group.
• May report to camp in place of the Key Leader, particularly in attending rostered duties, medical, registrations and/or representing the group when the Key Leader is otherwise unavailable.
• To nominate a leader as your 2IC, you need to open their rego and then tick the 2IC box.


We encourage you to bring older adults to act as ‘Camp Mum’ or ‘Camp Dad’. Ask them to ‘host’ your youth community over the weekend and keep a special eye out for your youth.Oftentimes, parents are the ones who keep your leaders going. We have found the more camp parents we have, the more smoothly things seem to run. If you are a smaller group, try to get along one or two camp parents. If you are a group of 50 or more, it would be great to have at least four camp parents and more if your group size is bigger.

If you are smart with this, you can double up your parents to be your contributing workers, which also gets them in at the Worker ticket price of $170pp.


• Are there to help support the Key Leader, leaders and campers.
• Act as the ‘spiritual’ mum and dad for your youth community’s village, making people feel connected and comfortable by being available to chat and pray (they are usually slightly older).
• Have bought a leader ticket.
• May be required to wear high visibility vests (supplied) and help with quieting the camp at midnight.
• Are expected to be police-vetted as part of your own screening process.

Group Leaders.

We recommend a leader to camper ratio of 1:5-1:7 depending on the size of your group and type of teenagers you are dealing with (and would adjust this to 1:3 for teens needing more attention).

Note: this ratio is for the same gender e.g. 1 female leader to every 5 female campers respectively.

Approaching potential leaders early will get them keen to be part of camp - this in turn both ensures leaders can get to one of the pre-camp leaders’ meetings and help you recruit campers from your youth community.


Are there to help look after the young people at camp
• Are 18+ years of age.
• Are considered suitable by the Key Leader for the role and responsibility.
• Have bought a leader ticket.
• Are expected to be police-vetted as part of your own screening process

We cannot run camp the way we do or as cost-effectively as we do without the help of an army of workers, which is where you come in. We ask that every youth community brings at least one worker to Easter Camp. For groups over 50, we ask you to bring an extra worker for each additional 50 campers.

For example:
A group of 10-50 = 1 worker
A group of 51–100 = 2 workers
A group of 101–150 = 3 workers etc

Contributing workers also means you get to spend time with your youth instead of running camp.

Your workers need to purchase a Worker ticket at the discounted price of $170pp.

Workers will be assigned roles and rosters upon arrival to camp. Please bring your workers with you when you come to Rego Night on the first night.


• Buy a worker ticket as part of your group.
• Work at least four hours per day on assigned camp duties (kitchen/sports etc) .
• Are expected to be police-vetted as part of your own screening process.
• Must be 18+ years of age.
• Must read the Workers' Manual before purchasing their ticket.
• Must be trustworthy and reliable - heaps of workers do not show up for their allocated duty. Not cool. We reserve the right to charge your group the full camper rate for any workers that do not complete all their assigned duties.
• Note: once our worker quota is reached, worker ticketing will close, typically 7-14 days before main ticketing closes. Please be organised and encourage your workers to get their tickets early

What’s Expected of Leaders?

• Make the most of the weekend by spending as much time as possible with your young people and looking out for them - you are responsible for all those registered under your group’s name.
• Help new members of your group to integrate and feel part of what is going on.
• Be available for one-on-one ministry to your own young people throughout camp. We want to make the response times particularly a safe environment - youth leaders (and camp parents) are responsible for counselling their own young people and following up on the commitments made or needs expressed. Please do not counsel or pray with young people from other youth communities unless you have been specifically invited by their leadership to do so.
• Ask for help from the Easter Camp team if you feel out of your depth in any situation and co-operate with requests made by the EC team.
• We will have trained and qualified counsellors at camp to support you and your group.
• We expect that there will be times of prayer and ministry with your young people. If you feel your leadership team needs equipping in this area, please allow time for training prior to camp.
• Leaders lead. If you see something uncool or unsafe around camp, please step in. All young people need to be kept safe and it is the responsibility of all leaders to help facilitate this.

Leaders’ Meetings.


Mon 3rd March at 7pm
Bethlehem Baptist Central
640 Cameron Road, Tauranga


Tues 4th March at 7pm
Hamilton Central Baptist
33 Charlemont Street, Whitiora


Mon 10th March at 7pm
Royal Oak Baptist Church
14 Symonds Street, Royal Oak


Tues 11th March at 7pm
Northgate Baptist Church
6 Hibiscus Coast Highway


Mon 17th March at 7pm
Village Baptist Church
147 Te Aute Road, Havelock North


Tues 18th March at 7pm
Central Baptist Church
190 Church Street, West End, 
Palmerston North


Weds 19th March at 7pm
The Salvation Army
125-137 Johnsonville Road, Wellington


Thurs 20th March at 7pm
‍Northpoint Baptist Church
116 Mangati Road, Bell Block, New Plymouth

Registrations Guide.

Basic Ticket Prices
Timeline of Price Increases
Download Guide

Basic Ticket Prices.



*Unless sold out prior.

To qualify for the Earlybird rate, camper and leader tickets must be purchased before 10pm on Sunday 18th February. After 10pm, Regular camper and leader tickets will go on sale.



*Unless sold out prior.

Family Assistance tickets are designed to make it easier on families whose parents have to finance more than one child to attend camp. To qualify for these discounted tickets,
2 or more Family tickets must be purchased in the same transaction before 10pm on Sunday 18th February.

The family discount applies only if:
• Campers are high-school-aged.
• Campers are financially dependant on the same parent/guardian.
• The registrations are part of the same online ticket purchase/transaction.

Please note:
• Proof that the campers are from the same family may be requested.
• Family Assistance tickets are not available after the Earlybird cut-off.
• Family Assistance tickets do not apply to siblings who are financially independent, over 18 years or are buying leader or worker tickets.



To qualify for the Regular rate, tickets must be purchased before 10pm on Sunday 10th March. After 10pm, Last Minute tickets will go on sale.



CUT OFF: SUNDAY 13 April 2025
Last Minute tickets are for late regos only and are available up until 10pm on Sunday 24th March.

IMPORTANT: If you have a camper wanting to join your group after tickets have closed, bring them to camp with you and we will sort them at Rego Night. Note: the Key Leader is responsible for making sure they can pay at camp, either via cash or eftpos.



IMPORTANT: Worker tickets will close as soon as the quota is reached - this is typically much earlier than Sunday 24 March. Please get your workers onto their
tickets quickly - first in, first served.


In some cases it is necessary for your leaders to bring their children to camp. Thus we have two ticket types available for children:

0-5 years old (pre-school) FREE
6-12 years old (years 1-8) $170

We know it can be tough for parents to balance looking after young people while watching their own kids so we provide
 a children's programme during the morning meeting times (unfortunately this programme is unable to cater for children younger than 3 years old).

For safety reasons, we can’t have children wandering around the site unsupervised, so if your children are not in the programme, they will need to be looked after by their parents. Parents need to indicate on the ticket rego form whether a child will be enrolling in the children's programme or not.

Young Y9s & Old Y13s

Easter Camp is primarily for high-school-aged teens between 13-18 years old (based on the age they will be on the last day of Easter Camp). However, it is not uncommon to have a Year 9 that is 12 years old, or a Year 13 that is 19 years old. The website will accept camper tickets with these outlying birthdates but we expect you as the leader to make sure that the camper regos you approve are in fact high-school-aged (e.g. not at intermediate or have not left school).



We provide for gluten-free, dairy-free and vegetarian diets at an extra charge of $50 for the full weekend. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide for more specific diets, intolerances or allergies. If a camper has specific food allergies, please make sure they bring appropriate medical supplies and check the ingredients lists available at every meal.

Timeline of Price Increases.













At Camp & 
After Camp.

EC Calendar.


Group regos open


Tickets on sale


Early bird regos close at 10pm
(unless sold out prior)


Bay of Plenty Pre-Camp Leaders’ Night
Waikato Pre-Camp Leaders’ Night
AKL Central Pre-Camp Leaders’ Night
AKL North Pre-Camp Leaders’ Night
Hawkes Bay Pre-Camp Leaders’ Night
Manawatu Pre-Camp Leaders’ Night
Wellington Pre-Camp Leaders’ Night
Taranaki Pre-Camp Leaders’ Night
Regular ticket regos close at 10pm


Last Minute Ticket Cut-Off
& Regos Close at 10pm
Easter Camp Gates Open 4pm
Easter Camp Finishes 1pm

EC Contacts.

Please contact the appropriate person with your queries.
In most cases this will not be the Camp Director.

Event Administrator

Chloe Callan

Event Manager

Kate Goulter


Michelle Harrison

Info & Regos

Rebecca Thomas


Luke Schroder


Jordan Farnham

FAQs and Policies.

Important Info
Our Policies

Important Info.


There are wheelchair-friendly toilets and showers on site. If a camper needs access to these, this should be clearly stated on their registration form under the ‘Medical Notes’ area.


If a camper needs to bring a caregiver with them to camp, the caregiver must buy a camper or leader ticket. Please emailinfo@easter.camp for any help or questions about this.


If you have a camper who identifies as transgender, we would love to discuss with you how we can best welcome and accommodate them. Please email support@easter.camp before camp.